Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 1 / 605 ish

So we had our first day of NP school this week. I was really not looking forward to it. Really. I would have fit in quite nicely with all of the kiddos digging their heels into the back to school regime in order to savor the fun-loving days of water fights and yummy BBQs that have long headlined American vacations (all the while holding the threshold door frame with white knuckles). Ok, so I wasn’t that dramatic but I did whine a bit.

Not that I didn’t want to start NP school. I am actually excited about the time ahead. I just really love the time catching up with the 7 years of missed summer breaks. Turns out, I really love the class and the instructors (who are very mission friendly). It is called Nurse Practitioner Seminar I and tries to help us navigate the role change from being a registered nurse to being an FNP. That’s nice and all, but here is the one problem: I never transitioned from Starbucks life to registered nurse role, which is intimidating enough. Now they expect us to be super teacher, research savvy, stethoscope blazin’, policy makin’, gun-ho activists on Capitol Hill . Oh boy.

Maybe I should have gone to art school….

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